
I find dreams somewhat fascinating.  I don't know if mine are more vivid than others but I really wish it was possible to actually record them.  Wouldn't that be cool? To be able to hit play the next day to rewatch one of the dreams that seemed so real?  

I think if one could wake up and really remember all of the details and write them down it would make for some pretty awesome Netflix shows.  I haven't really done any sort of tracking on mine.  What I ate, what I drank, how tired I was before bed etc.  I am sure that some of that has to come into play.  What I find really kind of interesting is how real the people seem in the dreams that I otherwise don't know! Or perhaps the visit with old friends who I haven't seen in years.  

According to wikipedia, "A dream is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. Humans spend about two hours dreaming per night, and each dream lasts around 5 to 20 minutes."  Two Hours!!! That's a whole movie!  At the very least it's a pretty big collection of short films.  

What is really bothersome are the dreams that you have and just when the dream is really getting good you wake up.  Try as you may to get back to sleep and continue where you left off is futile. It immediately turns into a choose your own ending book, but it's like watching a video that just shuts off before the end never to be seen again.  Strange how the mind works.

There are also the nightmares that are terrifying.  I am not sure why one would want to watch a horror movie after having a nightmare.  Waking up in a sweat, or outstretched because of the dream that feels like you're falling.  The fight with your spouse that felt so real but so out of character for them, but yet you still wake up a little perturbed with them.  

There are many theories online and I am sure each one has some sort of valid argument, but I don't see how anyone can truly know why we dream the dreams we do.  It's like asserting that you truly know why a dog turns around three and four times before lying down. Until these things are able to be projected from the mind to the big screen I guess it's just each persons own private cable show. 

Now if you will excuse me...I have to try to finish that dream I was having before my alarm went off. 

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