Garbage Day

Garbage Day is a almost celebrated in my house like it's own bi-weekly holiday.  Recycling day doesn't carry the same sort of jubilation as the garbage day.  It's more like the Easter Monday of the Easter weekend, whereas garbage day is the egg hunt and the dinner of an Easter Sunday in comparison.

It could be that our house is not set up for much storage.  It's kind of laid out in a particular way that an extra coffee cup could look like a lot of clutter; but on garbage day...hide your belongings because they could be swept up in the toss it out tornado.  

It's almost a day of mourning when the sanitation engineers don't dawn our streets on the regular day that they were supposed to.  Recently a snow storm cancelled it.  Garbage day was cancelled and post-poned to the following Saturday...over a week away!  Kelly nearly fell into a depression. We had to watch several episodes of Kevin Hart and Jim Carrey just to make it through the day. I'm joking of course, but it is funny to see how something like this just completely disrupts routine.  

People on our street wouldn't acknowledge it. Put it out anyway they said...and they did.  Some left it street side for an extra week refusing to be bent by a storm day.  Perhaps they averted their eyes on their way out of the driveway just pretending it was gone?   I'm not sure how they didn't notice the storm cloud of crows that were congregating on the phone line above their house for no apparent reason.  

We aren't the only ones who have our little garbage routine.  The garbage day habits that one see's in the neighbourhood are often amusing.  There is one house that must enjoy picking up the decimated bag that gets strewn all over the end of the driveway because each week they refuse to cover it or put it in a can.  I can only imagine that the caw caw caw of the crows in that area means that the buffet is open.  

While I don't enjoy the garbage sprint myself it is also particularly amusing to watch the driveway dash of someone in their house coat, and the most easily slipped on oversize footwear available, in an attempt to beat the truck to the pick up point.  Wagons get loaded up and hitched to a running kid who topples it on the way to the rendezvous point.  It's like the evening show of the Calgary Stampede! 

Step that one up a bit and you find the defiant trooper that missed the truck and is loading the car to take the short cuts through the subdivision in some effort to head the garbage truck off at the next street. All the while they keep an eagle eye out searching for a house that hasn't hit their limit of privacy bags to add to their pile! I wonder if the truck drivers collect it as fast as they can just to see how quick that they can get the latecomers really moving? 

The windy days are a treat.  That's the day that you come home and collect your can from a ditch down the road and the lid from the front yard on the the next street.  Perhaps an invention where the garbage can has a base that it gets locked into or a strong magnet to hold it down would be a great invention? There is always the route that a few others have taken which is to essentially build a shed at the end of the driveway.  Some of these get pretty elaborate.  Personalized with an address, maybe a window and with routered corners and decorative patterns adorning them. That's an elite garbage game right there.  

Yes, every second Friday morning is a bit of a whirlwind and yet a fresh start in a way.  I must say, I am looking forward to this one.  We just decided to clean out the closet in the spare room and I'm pretty sure that it's going to look like a 4 x 28m relay in a couple days....or who knows...we may just do something crazy like put it out the night before.  

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