
What is success?  I think the everyone has their own definition of what that looks like, though I also suspect many don't have any idea when they truly have to look at it and explain it.  

I can't tell you how many times I have been told, "you are going to make it" in the music business.  I truly appreciate the intended compliment, and the belief in my ability; but I wonder what "it" is? Where am I going to make it to? Is there a level that one hits that is now deemed as success?  I consider my ventures a success already to be honest.  I don't often sit and mull over any success, but my feeling is that if you are moving in a positive direction, and you keep getting up for the challenges of the day, you are experiencing a level of success. 

Lets take for example my daughter who is kicking some serious butt in the gym these days.  She has been experiencing success as soon as she stepped in the door. Yes, the threat of failure exists...maybe she wouldn't continue, maybe she hates the gym, maybe she only goes once...but she got up, made a choice to walk in, and then did it...that is a level of success. 

I am certainly for long term goals, and that used to be the only thing I focused on.  What I have come to realize is that you can still have a laser focus on that long term goal by breaking it down into the action that's required to attain that goal.  It's the equivalent to lining up a putt or a drive in golf.  If you focus on the target that is way out of your reach you might make it to the area you were hoping to, in fact you may even hit the target as well. If instead you look at the target, then look at the path that you need to take to get there and then focus on the first few feet of that path to launch your ball towards, the odds of you getting close to your target have increased by a lot.  It is much easier to see the path in that is only a few feet in front of you and go after that.  Yes, one needs to get up and have a view from above to ensure that the path hasn't changed and that check in should happen frequently but the focus should be on overcoming the obstacles in the path directly ahead of you that leads to the ultimate goal.

Success will breed more success. The best in the world in their given area of expertise don't sit on that success after they achieve it, they merely keep it as a checkpoint and move toward the next goal on the path.  It's only ends when they do. 

As I reflect, am I happy with what I have achieved so far in music.  YES! I can answer that with one hundred percent truth.  Yes, I am happy with the milestones that I have achieved thus far.  Is it over? No. I am still on the path. I intend on experience more levels of success that I have in my plan to reach goals that rely on those successes but really just lead me to other goals.  

I think that one important element to being successful is to ensure that you are meeting your own honest measure of it.  Don't let others dictate what success is to you.  Did the Olympian have a successful career despite not winning a medal? Did the minor league player who never played a game in the majors have a successful career? That's truly up to them, and where that path ultimately leads them. 

Someone has read this blog today.  It may never find it's way to a viral post. It may never creep into the New York Times; but someone read it today and that one element makes it a success. I also got up early to write it. If not a single person reads it then that fact makes it a success as that lead to other morning routines that set up my day for the best possible outcome.  

So celebrate the small wins.  Collect them like they are loose pennies and before you know it you will realize you are richer than you think.

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